
高麗組または重打 Koraigumi or Shigeuchi AB or DC




黄赤緑 AB & DC 4-4        ①①②②  ③③③③

紫系 DC 7-6     ①① ②②③③④  ④④④④④④ 
        ④④④④④④④  ④④④④④④
ピンク系 AB 7-6 ①①②②③③④  ④④④④④④  


At the Workshop, I was so impressed by the beautiful finish of the work that I did not notice that I had seen this braiding before.  It looks very similar to Shigeuchi!  Today we learn Shigeuchi, AB and DC.

We can do this either AB or CD.  The braid looks to have a half the thickness and a double width of Kakugumi.  When you work with a small number of loops, the braid is flat, but with over 10 loops, the braid is inwardly curled on the right hand side for AB, and on the left hand side for CD.  You need to knead the braid with fingers to make it flat.

The initial color settings for the 3 braids above are as follows:

Yellow-Red-Green AB & DC 4-4 ①①②②  ③③③③

Purples DC 7-6 ①① ②②③③④  ④④④④④④ 
           ④④④④④④④  ④④④④④④

Pinks AB 7-6     ①①②②③③④    ④④④④④④

I started with AB for the top braid, and changed in the middle to DC.  You will notice the V-fell up-side-down.


組紐・組物学会ワークショップ The Kumihimo Society Workshop





Attended The Kumihimo Society’s workshop “Koraigumi using a kumihimo disc” in Kyoto.  At the entrance I received a set of material; 4 hard twist silk threads, 2 metal threads and a big and a small golden buttons.  It was a rather easy kumihimo with three movements as one cycle.  The finished work, however, is just gorgeous. 

First of all, I was impressed by the silk glazing since I am so much used to Cotton King.  Besides strong twist threads seem to make more stereoscopic braids.  Then metallic gold threads look so superb with golden buttons. 

While braiding, I made a mistake and got mixed up with the color order.  I undid it and tried to start again.  But I got lost.  I daringly asked the teacher for help.  She manipulated threads one by one and corrected the whole mess.  She said, “When you undo, do it in the reverse order one by one.”  She was so efficient and gentle.  My lesson today is “the longest way around is the shortest way home”.

Another joy of attending a workshop is that you can learn a lot from attendants.  Everyone is wearing kumihimo glass chains, pendants, and bracelets.  It is worth traveling all the way to Kyoto just to look at their works.  Today I also saw a special hand-made supporting stand for a disc enabling to operate with both hands.  An attendant next to me worked for a shop Shoen where they make and sell kumihimo and materials.  We had an interesting talk.


源氏打 BBCCとにせ源氏打 BBDD


6-6 ①②①②①②  ②①②①②①
         ②①②①②①  ①②①②①②


The last combination of Kuteuchi Basic Movements A, B, C, D is BBDD.  This is the example from “Introduction to Kute-uchi Kumihimo Technique”.

6-6 ①②①②①②  ②①②①②①
         ②①②①②①  ①②①②①②

This is one of my favorites.  I made a camera strap and others with BBCC.  In the photo, from the center I started with BBCC and changed in the middle to BBDD.  Though it is hard to see, the same pattern appears on the back and in the front of the braid, but in the opposite colors forming negative-positive contrast.





赤系4色 8-7 ④④①①①①②②  ④④③③③②②
紫系7色 8-7 ⑦①①②②③③③  ⑦⑥⑥⑤⑤④④
赤緑黄 8-7  ②①②①②①②①  ③③③③③③③

グレーピンク白  山道 8-7  ②①②①②①②③  ①③①③①③①
                                                   ①①①①①①①①  ①①①①①①①

上3本はすべて単色ループですが、4本目の白グレーピンクは、2色ループと単色ループの両方を使っています。 実は全く違ったものを想定していたのですが、結果はこうなりました。嬉しい誤算です。2色ループは、「閉」で上下の色が変わるので、私の頭で考えた通りには行かない点が、面白くもあり、憎らしいところです。「山道」という名前も素敵ですね。

We try a wide braid AADC today.  To compare the difference from AADD, I used almost the same color threads.

It is amazing.  We get a completely different pattern by changing the 4th movement from “D: cross” to “C: open”.  The finished braid is wider than AADD and therefore thinner.  The color arrangements are as follows: 

4 reddish colors 8-7   ④④①①①①②②  ④④③③③②②

7 purplish colors 8-7     ⑦①①②②③③③  ⑦⑥⑥⑤⑤④④

Red,Yellow,Green 8-7     ②①②①②①②①  ③③③③③③③

Grey,Pink,White, Mountain Path 8-7 ②①②①②①②③  ①③①③①③①
                                                               ①①①①①①①①  ①①①①①①①

The top 3 braids are made with single-color loops, and the forth with single- and bi-color loops.  In fact, I planed to make a completely different pattern, but got this.  It was a nice surprise!  For me, bi-color loops are difficult to foresee the results because they change colors each time loops are twisted, which is interesting and troublesome.  The pattern name, “Mountain Path” is beautiful.

8-7 means 8 loops in the left hand, 7 loops in the right hand. 


修多羅(しゅたら) Sutra




帰ってから、「修多羅」をインターネットで調べてみると、元のサンスクリット語は、スートラ sutraで、元々は糸、織物の経糸を意味したものが、経典を意味するようになったそうです。スートラを中国語に翻訳するときに、音訳したのが「修多羅」、意訳したのが「経」です。





One day in October, I went to the Kyoto National Museum to see the National Treasure Exhibition.  Among others, there was a priest’s garment decoration called “sutra 修多羅”.  It is a complicated knotted kumihimo.  The photo is a priest with a sutra attending a big memorial service.

I looked up the word 修多羅 on internet and learned that 修多羅 is the transliteration of the Sanskrit word “sutra” into Chinese whereas more familiar word 経 is the free translation of the same word.  I also learned that “sutra” meant in ancient India a thread, string or warp. 

How did the word meaning thread come to mean sutra?  It is explained in many ways, most of which are very interesting and complicated.  As far as I understood, sutra (warp) is an eternalness piercing through past, present and future, while various aphorisms, rules, thoughts and logics are woven as a weft.  The whole textile is the accumulated wisdom of mankind.

So the sutra was a warp!  I have been interested in Buddhism, and I was amazed because the topic suddenly turned into something familiar to me, like thread, weaving, and string!  It reminds me that for some time I have been wondering that Text and Textile should be somehow related.  The answer might be hidden in this story of sutra.

Then why did sutra come to mean a garment decoration for a priest?  Perhaps it is made with a kumihimo, threads, the original meaning of sutra.

It was an extremely inspiring day in Kyoto.


源氏打ち Genjiuchi BBCC

(ア)  ①②①②①② ②①②①②①
             左手       右手


(イ)   ①②①②①② ①②①②①②



(ウ)   ①①①①①① ②③②③②③  

(エ)   ①①①①①① ③②③②③②


(オ) ①②①②①② ③④③④③④

(カ) ①②①②①② ④③④③④③


(キ) ①②①②①② ③①③①③①
    ④②④②④② ③④③④③④

① と④の2色ループを6本、単色ループ②と③をそれぞれ3本ずつ使っています。

 (ク) ①①①②①①  ②①①①③①


We try Genjiuchi BBCC from the book “Introduction to Kute-uchi Kumihimo Technique”.  The initial color arrangements are as follows.

A)  ①②①②①② ②①②①②①
    Left       Right

Bilaterally symmetric.  We can change it slightly like this.
B)   ①②①②①② ①②①②①②

The pattern changes dramatically.  The braid is round, but since the number of the loops is even, right hand side is a little wider than the left hand side.  The braid is ideal for drawstring purses.

To make the top brown and yellow braid, first I did A) then B) and back to A) again.  When you change loop positions, I recommend that you change loop positions one by one as you braid, rather than you change all the loops at once.  That way, the finished braid looks better.

The second one in green, pink and grey started like this.
C)      ①①①①①① ②③②③②③   
D)      ①①①①①① ③②③②③②

The grey② came to the right hand side when I started C), and the pink③ came to the right hand side when I changed to D).

Then four colors.
E)    ①②①②①② ③④③④③④
F) ①②①②①② ④③④③④③

On both sides we have two single-color chevrons alternately, and on top and bottom we have chevrons with different colors on right and left.  I wanted to have 4 single-color chevrons and came up with the following:

G) ①②①②①② ③①③①③①
  ④②④②④② ③④③④③④

I used 6 bi-color (① and ④) loops, and 3 single-color loops in ② and ③ each.

Here is a scarf I made with kimono material.  I attached a BBCC braid at around the shoulder so that the scarf does not slip down.

H) ①①①②①①  ②①①①③①

Though I usually use Cotton King, this time I used Aprico from Hamanaka that I bought to make Bansuishoku in April.


正倉院の大幡  Ritual Banner in Shosoin


幡とは、古代インドが起源で、中国、朝鮮半島を経て日本に伝来した、仏教荘厳に欠かせない仏具でした。日本への仏教の公式な伝来は552年とされていますが、この時百済の聖明王が日本に贈ったのは、日本書紀によると、「釈迦仏金銅像一体 幡蓋若干 経論若干巻」だったそうです。金剛像を見た欽明天皇(聖徳太子のおじいさん)は、大層心惹かれたそうです。金剛像とお経の巻物と、その他の仏具とは聞いていましたが、その仏具というのが幡蓋だったことを今回初めて知りました。想像ですが、欽明天皇は、光り輝く金剛像もさることながら、はためく色鮮やかな幡にも心躍る気持ちになられたのではないでしょうか。幡というのは、お祭りの時などもそうですが、風にはためいて、人の心を高揚させます。




組紐は一間組です。幡頭の三角形の部分は山道柄ですが、山道は直線ではなく、緩やかなカーブを描いています。1992年発行の「日本の美術1 No.308 組紐」の解説で、当時の道明社長の山岡一晴氏は、「高台ではあのカーブはできません」と述べておられます。私がクテを使って組んだ一間組もよく似たカーブを描いています。


It is autumn, a season of exhibitions.  In Nara, Shosoin Exhibition is held every year.  Last year I went there to see the ritual banner decorated with kumihimo.  A large banner, 458 cm in length and 90 cm in width, was laid down in a glass case.  It did have a full-blown dignity.  I could observe the banner through the glass to my heart’s content. I would have been happier if I could have turned the banner to see the backside of it as well.  Some parts were severely damaged and were protected with white threads.  The main body of the banner was appliqued with red and blue.  So the matching kumihimo must have been in vivid colors when it was made.  The braids were braided in ikkengumi (single-unit braiding) with strongly twisted threads.  I also attended a lecture by Mr. Ken Shimizu of Nara National Museum, which I found very interesting and I am going to tell you about it.

Banners originated in ancient India, and came to Japan through China and Korean Peninsula.  They were indispensable ritual ornamental articles for Buddhist services.  Officially, Buddhism came to Japan in 552 when Seong of Baekje in Korean peninsula sent “a gilt bronze statue of Buddha, some banners and some Buddhist sutras” to the emperor in Japan. Then Emperor Kinmei was deeply moved when he saw the golden statue.  Though I knew about the  statue, sutras and some ritual articles, it was my first time to learn that the “ritual articles” in fact mean banners!  I can imagine how much Emperor Kinmei was attracted not only to the shinning statue but also to the flapping colorful banners.  Banners usually, like in festivals in Japan, flap to the wind and uplift our feelings.

The photo shows a modern banner used during the 1390th death anniversary of Prince Shotoku in Horyuji in 2011.  In fact Horyuji has a much gorgeous gilt bronze banner, whose replica can be seen at the Horyuji Treasure Museum in Ueno, Tokyo.

According to Mr. Shimizu, the banner in Shosoin was used during the first death anniversary of Emperor Shomu on May 2, 757 in Todaiji.  This memorial service was attended by 1500 priests and was an outstanding big Buddhist event.  There were at least 10 banners like this, and over 600 dojobans which were smaller than this one.  Though the remain of this existent large banner is only a little over 4 meters long, the original banner was over 15 meters long including banner legs.  So we can imagine what a sight to see it was with 10 banners standing in a row. 

What is more, the service of the first death anniversary was held not only in the capital of Nara, but also in National Buddhist temples in 26 local counties.  In order to highlight the memorial service, the government at that time ordered the 26 counties on June 3rd in the previous year to build a 4.85-meter tall Buddhist statue if they had not built one yet.  On December 20th that year, a set of one large banner and 29 dojobans were sent to each National Temples.  The preparation for the memorial service was carried out surely and steadily both in the capital and in local counties.  The memorial service must have been a really spectacular event.

Craft people must have worked hard for the banners.  They had to finish 26 banners for the counties by December and over 10 by June 2 the following year.  They gathered expensive materials like brocades and twills, carefully selected colors and broke into teams to get on with the jobs. 

The braids are “Ikkengumi (single-unit braiding)”.  The top triangular part is decorated with mountain-path pattern kumihimo, but the path is slightly curved instead of straight.  In “Arts in Japan, No. 308 Kumihimo” published in 1992, Mr. Kazuharu Yamaoka, then President of Domyo Kumihimo Company, said “this curve cannot be made with Takadai.”  The photo below is a ikkengumi I braided with kute.  It shows similar curves.

I wonder what kind of people braided these banner braids using what kind of tools in what kind of places thinking about what?


二連角組その2 Double Kakugumi AADD Part 2



①①②②②②①    ①①②②②②①
         左手     右手  
赤系   ④④①①①①② ④④③③③③②
               左手     右手 

紫系      ⑦①①②②③③  ⑦⑥⑥⑤⑤④④
                                     左手     右手


      ②①②①②①②  ①②①②①②①
                                    左手     右手

①②①②①②①  ①①①①①①①
                     ②①②①②①②     ②②②②②②② 
         左手     右手


                       ①②①②①②①  ②①②①②①②
                       ③④③④③④③  ④③④③④③④
                                        左手       右手


Today I would like to introduce my material books.  It is “Introduction to Kute-uchi Kumihimo Technique” written by Masako Kinoshita and published by Kute-uchi Kumihimo Technique Research Group.  It is a three-volume series with beautiful color covers and a CD.  Perhaps you can find it in major libraries in every prefecture in Japan.  It is in Japanese.  The books explain in plain Japanese and clear graphics.

From the books, I tried Double Kakugumi, which uses 14 single-color loops in two colors (green and yellow).  
      ①①②②②②①     ①①②②②②①
         Left       Right  

I modified this and made two more braids.

Reddish one ④④①①①①②  ④④③③③③②
       Left        Right 

Purplish one ⑦①①②②③③  ⑦⑥⑥⑤⑤④④
       Left        Right  

These are Ungen.  How about making a string for a pochette?

Two more braids from the books.  The top one is made with 14 single-color loops in green and beige.  The green color edges the braid.
     ①②①②①②①  ②①②①②①②
        Left       Right 

The second one is made with 14 bi-color loops, which is more complicated. It makes two rows of chevrons. 

     ①②①②①②①  ①①①①①①①
     ②①②①②①②     ②②②②②②② 
                Left        Right  

When I saw the back side of the second one, I got an idea for the third one.  It is made with 14 bi-color loops in four colors.  You can enjoy various color combinations.  The one in the photo is made with ①green, ②flesh color, ③beige, and ④brown.

   ①②①②①②①   ②①②①②①②
   ③④③④③④③   ④③④③④③④
    Left           Right  

All the instructions are based on the assumption that you start with your left hand.  If you want to start with the right hand, please use the mirror image of the charts. I use ①②③ for different colors.  I initially used color charts like , but I have changed it because colors get confusing when I have more than 3 colors.  Besides, black-and-white charts, I thought, will allow you to make your own color combinations more freely.


二連角組 Double Kakugumi or AADD

外回し開、外回し開、中通し閉、中通し閉 (すなわちAADD)を繰り返すと、角組を横に2つ並べたような厚みのある紐ができます。二連角組、あるいは御岳組と呼ばれているそうです。私の好きな組み方です。厚みのあるベルトにしたりします。


②●③●④●⑤  ●①●●●●●




  ●●●●●●  あるいは、
②⑥③⑥④⑥⑤  ⑥①⑥⑥⑥⑥⑥

When you repeat:

Out & open, Out & open, In & cross, and In & cross,
in other words AADD,

you can get a thick braid like two-connected-Kakugumi.  It is called "Niren Kakugumi (double-Kakugumi) or Ontake-gumi.  It is one of my favorites and I make belts with this braiding technique.  I like how each color appears and makes patterns.  All the braids in the photo are braided with single-color loops.  If you have bi-color loops, you can enjoy even more.

The top two braids are done with almost the same initial color arrangement only in opposite hands.  Because I make it a rule to always start with left hand loops, the initial color arrangements are different, but if you start with right hand and left hand with the same color arrangement, you can get two different patterns.  When you want to make a Ungen (gradation) braid with many different colors, you have to be careful about the color order.  Below I show a case of 14 loops.

②●③●④●⑤  ●①●●●●●

I learned the word “Ungen” for the first time when I read the book called “Kumihimo in Shosoin”.  What a graceful word!  That brings me the 8th century atmosphere.  Please watch the video to make sure you know how to do AADD. 

One of the readers contacted me saying that the color arrangements are not correct.  It was my mistake.  Hire is the correct one.
  ●●●●●●  or
②⑥③⑥④⑥⑤  ⑥①⑥⑥⑥⑥⑥


バッグ用持ち手真田紐 Sanadahimo for bag handles



A bag for my friend as a present.  The body is made with 2 different wine-colour obi-sashes I got through Yahoo Auction.  I am satisfied with the structured body.  The handles are Sanadahimo I braided with 42 Cotton King warps, which turned out to be narrower than I had expected.  The length also shrunk by 15%.  I am going to accumulate the data so that I can make Sanadahimo as wide and long as I plan. 

On the back of the Sanadahimo handles I attached the sash material I used for the bottom part (left-over from my mother’s bag) .  That is because I wanted to widen the handles and also I thought the silk material would make the handles feel softer.   Obi-sash for kimono is an excellent material for bags.  I sometimes visit Yahoo Auction and click.


足糸 Foot Thread







The more you increase the number of Kute to braid a wider braid, the more difficult it becomes to handle them.  It is even harder when you have the same color threads next to each other.  To solve this problem, we attach “foot thread” between Kute and thread. 

For example, when I made Horyuji Bansuishoku, I had 4 red threads in a row.  So I attached 3 foot threads of different tones of blue and a green.  Ideally it should be 4 different tones of the same color, but I only had 3 tones of blue and I added a green.

Other than differentiating the same color threads, foot thread has at least two more merits.  The second merit is that foot thread absorbs the twists of threads.  When you braid a long braid, twisting threads to the same direction, the threads become strongly tight.  The foot thread absorbs the twist and the threads can be kept nice and relaxed.  Foot thread should be made, therefore, with a bunch of fine threads like embroidery floss.

The video shows how to attach foot thread using what is called “Lark’s Knot” in Japanese.  It is amazing that a single knot can keep a long thread and foot thread together so firmly.

The third merit is the easy length adjustment.  While you braid, you sometimes notice that some threads are longer than others.  It happens when you have different kinds of threads (especially metallic threads) or when some threads move longer distance than others.  To make a longer thread shorter, you only have to pull the thread and make another knot.  In this way, you can adjust the length of threads without unknoting anything.

Like anything else, foot thread has a demerit.  It naturally makes the threads longer, making it harder to braid.  Therefore, the length of foot thread should be around 10cm.


2色ループで組む  Braiding with bi-color loops



●●●●  ②②①①

③③④④  ●●●●

左手    右手

ビデオの最初の部分では、同じ配色の2色ループが2本ずつできます。この方法では奇数の2色ループはできません。奇数の場合は、ビデオの終わりの方でお見せしているように、私は細い糸(生川商店のコットンクイーン)を2本取りで使っています。刺繍糸だと、好みの太さに調整しやすいですね。 この方法だと、2色ループが偶数でも奇数でもできます。

A bi-color loop is a loop with a different color thread on each end of Kute.  We can make unexpected patterns with bi-color loops.  Please try with different color combinations.

Below is the initial color setting for the brown braid. 

●●●●  ②②①①

③③④④  ●●●●

Left hand   Right hand

The first part of the video shows how to set even-numbered bi-color loops.

However, this method does not work with odd-numbered loops. 

When I work with odd-numbered bi-color loops, as I show toward the end of the video, I use finer threads and double them.   The embroidery floss is also usuful.  It is easy to adjust the thickness .  This method can be used both for even- and odd-numbered loops.


角組3 Kakugumi 3





文鎮に角組 Kakugumi with a paperweight

Why are Kakugumi with odd-numbered loops almost square in cross-section while those with even-numbered loops are trapezoid?  My sixth sense tells me the other way round.  This question was, however, resolved almost as soon as I actually started braiding.

Take a case with 7 loops, 4 loops in the left hand and three in the right to start with.  Though this is off the subject, I make it a rule to hold more loops in the left hand than in the right hand, when I work with odd-numbered loops.  Also I always start with the left hand loop. These rules are useful when you get lost in the middle of manipulation.

Back to the track.  You raise the outermost loop in your left hand with the left index finger, and you take it with the right hand.  In the process, the moving loop goes over 3 loops remaining on the left hand and is settled in the innermost of the right hand.  Then you raise the right outermost loop with the right index finger, and receive it with the left hand.  Again, the moving loop goes over the remaining 3 loops on the right hand.  Because both outermost loops go over the same number of loops, they make equally wide sides.

Now let’s take an even-numbered loop, for example, an 8-loop case.  You hold 4 loops each on both hands.  The outermost loop on the left hand goes over the remaining 3 loops and is settled on the right hand.  Now you have 5 loops on the right hand.  Next, when the outermost loop on the right hand moves, it goes over the 4 loops remaining on the right hand.  Since each outermost loop on both hands goes over different number of loops, the width of the both sides is different.

It is often said that when you work with hands, not just Kumihimo but in any handicraft, it is easier to think with hands than with the head.  I thought this is a good example of the saying.


角組2 Kakugumi 2







Kakugumi is not only a strong and practical braid, but also it is beautiful.  In Shosoin (the ancient treasure warehouse attached to Todaiji (Great Buddha) Temple in Nara which dates back to the 8th century), a number of Kakugumi Kumihimo are preserved.  One of them, though not very clear, is a small incense bag  which we can see from the Shosoin Database.  A lovely small bag that makes me feel like sewing and braiding a similar one myself.

The two top ones in the photo are the same Kakugumi that I made in the video, and the bottom one I made copying another treasure Kakugumi from Shosoin.  I will explain how to make it in the near future.

I do not have an experience of braiding with Marudai, but I read that in order to braid Kakugumi with Marudai, you usually use multiples of 4 elements (in case of loop braid, one loop has two elements) .  However, according to the book “Braids in the Shoso-in” published in 1973 by Heibosha, among the 240 Kakugumi braids in Shosoin that they had examined, there were 78 braids with multiples of 4 elements whereas 160 braids were made with multiples of odd-number elements, overwhelming majority! 

Though we have practiced an 8-loop Kakugumi, we can easily make a Kakugumi with multiples of odd-number elements (10, 14, and 18, which are 5, 7, and 9 loops). Based on this fact, Masako Kinoshita Sensei writes in her paper submitted to Shosoin that Kakugumi restored in Shosoin were made using loop braiding techniques.  I am afraid I could not find the English translation of the paper.

In fact, if you look at an 8-loop Kakugumi carefully, you will notice that it is trapezoid in cross-section. It has a wide and narrow sides facing each other.  On the other hand, the braids with 7 or 9 loops are more square in cross-section.  Please compare your Kakugumi.  Therefore, if you want to make a fair square Kakugumi, you would choose odd-number loop Kakugumi.  This is another reason why Kinoshita-sensei believes that Shosoin Kumihimo are made using loop braiding technique.  She also shows two more reasons to support her idea.  But unfortunately because of my lack of Marudai experience, I do not quite understand her points.  I recommend that those who can braid with Marudai should read her paper.

In spite of the fact that I do not fully understand her logics, I am still fascinated that loop braiding is a very old technique going back over 1300 years, and the resulting works we can still watch today, though through glass, at the Nara National Museum.  Besides, when I think that the movements of my braiding fingers are the same as those of the ancient braiders, I even feel some kind of comradeship with those unseen craftsmen and craftswomen.

I also heard that Kakugumi has been braided for a long time all over the world, but the story is long and I would like to call it a day now.